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Change Product Info : Metolius - Offset Master Cam - #4/5 $59.95

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Thanks to their offset cam lobes and ultra-narrow head design, Metolius Master Cams fit securely in places where other cams dont stand a chance. The ability for these cams to fit in shallow, flaring cracks makes them a top pick for cutting-edge free trad lines and aid climbs alike. Metolius added a large thumb loop to make placements easier and provide a high clip-in point when youre stretching for the next aid placement. Metolius also added cam stops to provide an extra level of security in case the lobes get tipped out as you climb above your gear.

  • Offset lobes for added security in flaring placements
  • Flexible stem keeps these cams from being levered out of horizontal placements
  • Thumb loop provides high clip-in point for aid climbing
  • Range finders warn you of over-cammed placements
  • Click sizing chart link for specifics on range, strength, and weight
  • Hand-built, inspected, and proof-tested in Bend, Oregon

Bottom Line: Protect cracks that you thought couldnt be protected.

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