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Change Product Info : Black Diamond - Camalot C4 - #0.3 $59.95

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The Black Diamond C4 Camalots design increases their already enormous expansion range while dropping weight thirty percent from the previous design. Black Diamond made the range so broad that two half sizes were eliminated from the set because they were not longer necessary. These updated cams even received the Best In Gear award from Rock and Ice. The C4s include a thumb loop that makes them about a billion times easier to place one handed, and gives you a second point to clip in to. Almost forgot, the C4s cost about the same as their predecessors.

  • See sizing chart for ranges and weight
  • Double-stem design allows full-strength when placed passively
  • Wide expansion range means you need to carry less pieces to cover the ranges

Bottom Line: Just when you though cams couldnt get better, Black Diamond brings out the C4 Camalots.

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